Reduce pain in the knee

Knee Pain medication, - Knee pain is a common complaint that many experienced by adults. Knee is the largest joint in the body of the lower end (thigh bone) and rotates on the upper end or the shinbone (tibia). Joints in the knee are the muscles and tendons attached to the bone that serves as knee pads while moving.

Knee pain caused due to the amount of cartilage in the knee can be reduced and the number of ligaments lose some of its elasticity. In patients with knee pain are more susceptible to pain and injury.

Other causes of knee pain may be due to the form of trauma / whiplash (keselo), ligaments and cartilage tear / rupture, accidents which cause damage to the area / outside susceptible strains of normal knee motion, infectious arthritis, hemarthrosis (blood in the knee joint ), cysts and bone tumors.

Source : Google
Tag : health
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